This week there will not be a tutorial because Ashley‘s Grandma passed away. Please pray for her and send her condolences. She is such a sweet girl, I don’t like seeing her hurting.
I did think that we could do a little recap of some past tutorials, that way if you didn’t get a chance to try one you could try it this week and link up.
Last week was Low Key Photography. Here is one I tried later in the week.
April 10th was Double Exposure Photography.
April 3rd was Tips on using a reflector.
March 27th was Creating a .GIF.
March 2oth was Panning Photos.
March 13th was Vintage Processing.
March 6th was Shooting Silhouettes.
February 28th was The Dragan Effect.
If you click here you can see what I did for all of the Tutorial Tuesdays
Ready to join in the fun? Here’s how to do it:

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Linking up: Sweet Shot, 52 Weeks of Happiness and Communal Global