So You Want to Redecorate: Getting Started
Redecorating an entire home can be a daunting task. But maybe you’re bored with the blue country theme in your living room, or maybe your little girl isn’t so little anymore and has outgrown Minnie Mouse. Whatever the reason, redecorating is the key to creating a fresh feel in your home. Since a lot of people have trouble getting started, here are five steps to help you begin the task of redecorating your home, one room at a time.
Look for inspiration. It can be difficult to come up with ideas out of the blue. That’s why it’s so helpful to look around you for inspiration. Check out a variety of home magazines and websites for style ideas. Take notice of friends’ homes when you stop by, and make mental notes about what you like. Visit model homes in your area and see for yourself how functional certain ideas might be.

Consider theme and feeling. Are you into art deco? Vintage? Contemporary? Country? Then think about how you will build that theme through color and home décor. In addition, what emotions do you want to elicit when someone steps into the room? This is important to know because certain colors have different effects on people. Blue, for example, generally has a calming effect, while red inspires boldness and energy.
Select a focal piece. Every room has some point on which the general theme or color scheme is built. Perhaps you already own this piece, or maybe you’ll find it while browsing home goods stores or online. It could be a rug, a piece of wall art, a comforter, sofa throw pillows – whatever! It serves as the main inspiration for the room’s design.

Use what you have. If you’ve already got furniture for the room, use it – there’s no sense in spending money where you don’t have to. But what if it’s a different color than your new room design? That’s easy. Just re-stain or re-cover what you have.
Remember that not everything has to match exactly. Many stores will try to bait you into purchasing sets of items and furniture so everything matches. But it’s unnecessary, and may in fact turn your room into an exact replica of a furniture showroom. It’s far more fun – and adds a lot more personality to your home – to buy a few pieces that match and then hodgepodge the rest. Play up similarities between furniture and other items through paint or inexpensive accessories.

As you can see, redecorating doesn’t have to break the bank – and it doesn’t have to be super stressful. Follow these steps and have a blast recreating your home!
Author Bio: Heather Hewitt is a seasoned writer and guest author who enjoys connecting people with thoughtful products, services and ideas as they relate to crafting, photography, gift giving and personal expression.