End of the school year really? Where did the time go. I am so looking forward to Summer break, but I just can’t believe it is here already. Remember Dustyn on his first day of school? Just look at the difference!!
I really wish I would have taken a picture of him standing on the first day of school because he just looks sooo much taller.
Age: 6 Years 4 Months
Weight: 56 lbs
Height: 50 inches
What I love: Mommy, Daddy, Carsyn, my dogs and my fish.
Where I love to go: Chick-fil-a, Busch Gardens, Water Country USA, Fun Spot.
When I grow up I want to be… a cook, a veterinarian, & a fish tank builder.
He sure is ambitious huh?
This is Dustyn all the time. He loves making silly faces.
Dustyn also asked to stand by his Daddy’s truck and take photos. I am just thankful he wanted to take photos at all.
I shed a few tears today when he left for his very last day as a Kindergartener. I also cried when I picked him up from school today. His teachers were so great this year. They were having each kid come up to the front of the class and some of their classmates would tell what they would remember most about that person. Carsyn and I got to the school just in time to listen to what Dustyn’s classmates had to say about him. I shared what his teacher said about Dustyn on my instagram.