First of all I wanted to say Thank You to everyone that entered my giveaway. I used to pick the winners. The winner of the hat is #20 Reading Allowed . The winner of my 11×14 leaf print is #2 Lisa’s Chaos. I will be emailing y’all, but if you see this first you can email me. [email protected]. Thanks again. I can’t wait to do more giveaways.
Onto the bubbles, this is from last summer while Dustyn and I were outside playing. He loved them. I took this photo for Faiths SLR class, Freeze motion. I really loved the way it turned out.
First I applied a soft light layer, then sharpened the actual bubble using Pioneer Woman’s Sharpen This action. Then applied Coffee Shop’s Vintage Honey action and adjusted it to my liking. Then re-sized and sharpened for the web.