Well Carsyn is 8 months old. As you all know he is a little behind on his gross motor skills. They are coming Thursday to do an evaluation. Will you pray for us? I am a nervous wreck. At his doctor appointment last week he weighed 15 lbs 9 oz and was 25 1/2 inches long. Carsyn is now getting all different types of food from our plates. We are steering clear of regular baby food. Hoping this will help him be less picky. We have tried baby food a couple of times but he didn’t like them. He loves puffs, mum mums, cheerios, bananas, mashed potatoes, green beans and several other foods. He still doesn’t have teeth, but that doesn’t stop him.
The past couple nights he has been only waking up once, which has been nice. I just hope that it continues. He is still a very laid back baby as long as he is being held. Which I think this may have contributed to him being behind. So I have been making him have floor time even if he doesn’t like it. He also has not experience separation anxiety yet. I hope it stays that way. He loves his brother so much! He lights up and laughs at him all the time. He is such a happy baby and will smile at anyone. It is so cute.
Anyways there isn’t really anything new to report. He is not crawling, sitting up good or pulling himself up. I am hoping we can change that with the physical therapist.