After having three boys I was on the edge of my seat to find out if baby #4 was a boy or girl. Last week we found out the gender and revealed it at Prestyn’s birthday party today. We went the volcano gender reveal route. Dustyn has been doing these types of experiments at school so he thought it would be a fun idea. I think the boys loved watching it erupt.
I was trying to figure out the easiest way to make a volcano on short notice. Kenny suggested his 3D printer. He printed the volcano in pink and blue which was amazing and so cute. We first put in the baking soda then used the bath color tabs, and also gel food coloring on top. Then added a light layer of baking soda on top so you couldn’t see the color. Finally we had Dustyn pour in the vinegar.
Dustyn wanted a sister soooo badly so he is ecstatic!! Afterwards he said I just knew it was a girl! I am still in shock that we are having a girl after three boys.
Prestyn may have a pink hand for awhile because he enjoyed playing in the fizz.