I own this reflector, I do not have a reflector stand or someone to help me most times when I am taking photos. I know Jessica uses reflectors so I asked how she did it. She said just hold the reflector under your arms while taking photos. That is what I did for the photos below. I held it under my arms and used my foot to position it so the light would bounce back to my subject.
If your subjects back is to the sun you can reflect the sun onto your subject. That way you can get their face lit up with out having to blow out the background.
If your subject is in the shade use the reflector to put the sun onto your subject. It will fill in some light without them having to be out in the direct sun.
To prevent your subject from squinting try to reflect the sun right next to your subjects face.
If you are taking photos of children/babies have the parents hold the reflector. Makes it a little easier for you and it gives the parents something to do.
Here are what the different sides are for:
White side for even neutral soft light
Silver for more specular luster/contrast
Gold for that golden sunlight tone
Black to absorb/prevent light bouncing back
Ready to join in the fun? Here’s how to do it:

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