I hope you all are having a wonderful week. It has been a busy one around here. Kenny was home from work Monday and Wednesday, so that is always nice but makes it difficult to blog and blog visit. I also want to tell you all how THANKFUL I am for your sweet comments on this post. I can not wait to write more for you all. Look for an 18 month update for Carsyn Friday. 18 months really?? I can not believe he is going to be a year and a half on 11/11/11. The only time that will happen! First I need to get some photos of him. He he. Maybe more owl hat photos with his Picky Sticky sticker.
Anyways some more photos from our walk in the woods. These are for Shades of Autumn brown.
I could not, not edit this photo for Misty this week. She is one of my favorite photography bloggers. I had a lot of fun with this. I warmed it up a little bit and added some texture. I also edited out the toy in the front. It was distracting me. Then resized and sharpened for the web.