I am writing over at She {hearts} It today. A review and coupon code to Summer Crosbie’s etsy shop, Hello Lovelies. Make sure you check it out and stock up on some earrings for stocking stuffers. Pun intended…
The four winners of the shutterfly giveaway is posted.
I still can not believe that Carsyn is a year and a half. Where has that time gone? Seems like just yesterday I was stressing out about whether I would be able to have my VBAC or not.
New things Carsyn is doing:
- Drinking out of a straw cup. HUGE accomplishment for a kid like him. His therapist were amazed.
- Sitting up for longer periods of time while playing. It is easy for him to play or to sit up but not to do both.
- Turning into a destructive little boy. If you build it and it is in reach he will knock it down. He he.
- Starting to try and army crawl. He just gets so frustrated when his body doesn’t cooperate.
- Trying to communicate. I have heard ma ma, da da, moo, meow, yea. None of them are consistent, but we are getting there.
- He is starting to wave bye bye.
- Gives kisses.
- Knows when it is bedtime and sometimes he is not happy about that.
- Starting to get a little weary of strangers, especially ones in glasses or hats.
All of his blood test results came back normal. Right now he does not need any medicines for his growth, which is a good thing. They just want me to try and get him to eat more. The problem right now is he burns more calories while eating then he is getting in his mouth. He sure does love sweet though. Oh and if you take away his food he will loudly let you know he is not happy.
We will be going back to the rehab doctor this month. I am interested to hear if they want to do valum or botox injections to help with his high muscle tone. His therapist seem to think it will help. So we will see. I am nervous about that though. I don’t want him to be drugged on the valum and botox shots scare me. I am sure it will be a big help, but still he is my baby.
Right now we are working on different sitting positions and doing weight bearing activities. He really needs to build up some core muscles. After that happens I am absolutely, positively sure nothing will stop him. He is amazing and my super hero.
He makes everyone smile. I dare you not to smile when you look at the photo below. Bet you can’t.
this happened. He he! I let him do it because he was reaching and sitting up.
I seriously love his lashes.
My favorite this week.
Carsyn from a year ago. He has gotten bigger and my photography has GREATLY improved.