Today is an wonderful day! Kenny and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage. WOW! Feels like just yesterday I had my pre-wedding jitters. Here we are 10 years have gone by, we have 2 kids, and have moved twice!
Want to know something else amazing! I am celebrating my 5 year Blogiversary. I am truly amazed that I have been blogging for 5 years. I have come a long way and have met some amazing friends along the way. Some of them have come together to help me celebrate. We are hosting a $125 Target GiftCard Giveaway. One winner will receive $125 to spend at Target. How awesome is that?
$125 Target GiftCard Giveaway
Organized by: Sarah Halstead
Co-hosts: Mama Mandolin * Moms Without Answers * Juggling Act Mama * Airplane Rides and Guacamole Sides * Alyson M * Behind the Camera and Dreaming * Typically Simple * Oshiro Design
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Besides the mandatory blog comment entry, all other entries are optional. Giveaway ends 7/31 and is open worldwide.