This shark sensory bottle is perfect to make in preparation for shark week next week. We look forward to watching each year!
Dustyn is still a big fan of anything shark/ocean related so he loves this! Plus it is nice to use when he gets upset. He can shake it and watch the glitter. Very calming.
Shark Sensory Bottle How To
Supplies Needed:
Water Bottle (I used Sparkling Ice bottles because they are smooth, a VOSS water bottle would work too)
Hot Glue or Super Glue
Put about half of the glitter glue and a sprinkle of extra blue glitter into your clean water bottle.
Add warm water so that the glue mixes in.
Shake it up really well.
Then add little sea creatures. I added a couple sharks, and whales.
Finally hot glue or super glue the top onto the bottle
Dustyn had fun watching the glitter fall and finding the sea creatures.
Are you doing anything special to prepare for Shark Week?
Check out his shark birthday from a couple years ago for more ideas.