What a smile! Watch those cheeks, everyone is going to want to pinch them! You have a cutie!
Jess (Life with BooBoo and Bug)says
What an adorable little smile!!! Toothless baby grins are the best!
3 for Me!says
What a cutie!! His smile is soo sweet... makes me smile back!!
Aww thanks for your comment!!!
Carsyn is too funny! Mac does the same thing!! One second it's all fun and games, the next no one is happy and then back to all smiles! Crazy moody babies! haha!!
anne maskellsays
what a sweetheart! You must be so proud! Happy Wordless Wednesday!bb
The Nunnallyssays
Look at those chubby cheeks...gummy baby smiles are the best! Your boys are precious!
Aw, this second photo is priceless.
Adorable! Love those first smiles! Time does seriously fly!
The Ranting Mommysays
OH MY .. that little face had ME smiling ear to ear! Adorable
Carsyn is too funny! Mac does the same thing!! One second it's all fun and games, the next no one is happy and then back to all smiles! Crazy moody babies! haha!!