Thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this post. Please click here to learn more about Ubisoft. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. #UbiChamps
Hi, my name is Kenny (Sarah’s Husband) this is my first blog post so please bear with me…
I was recently given the opportunity to play Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth for Xbox 360 Kinect. When the game arrived I was a bit concerned about the playability, since the majority of Kinect games I have played have had more of a kid feel. I was excited to try out an actual fighting game. Since it was rated Teen I waited to play after putting the kids to bed. I loaded it in the Xbox raised my fist like a superhero and it started. The first thing I noticed was the lower right corner with the phrase “say assemble” so I spoke and it enabled voice commands which I found I greatly prefer to hand gestures in the menus. The hand gestures are easy to control but for me it was much quicker to navigate by voice. I went to the campaign mode single player picked my mission and started playing. The game features instruction icons similar to Just Dance which allow the characters to do different moves once I got the hang of the gestures it was game time.
Having played my fair share of fighting games with the controller I was comfortable with combo moves. However when using your whole body to perform them I must admit it is a bit more difficult but more interesting of a challenge than hitting buttons. I realized rather quickly that I am out of shape as I started sweating and breathing more frequently. But with that I noticed even though I was having a great time fighting Marvel characters I was getting a bit of a workout which was rather rewarding but not as much as the Xbox points and experience points I was racking up.
Each match gives you access to two characters to use during the match. During the match if you hold up your left hand it will switch out the characters which was a rather fluid motion to use for instance when your opponent is on the ground. I particularly like the fact that the characters essentially have the same base gestures for the moves. But each character has their own unique way of delivering destruction to the opponent. There are times when you are given the ability to use voice commands during play such as Ultra which gives you a more powerful attack or special moves for different characters. Ubisoft did a great job incorporating the voice commands in and give plenty of time for you to read the command when prompted and the voice recognition worked great even through labored breathing.
The game is very enjoyable the graphics are great, the Kinect controls work great and the game play itself keeps you on your toes literally to watch for your opponents next move. I realize that most of the readers of this blog are women and if you have made it this far it is for one of two reasons. One being you wanted to see a blog post from Sarah’s Husband, or two you have someone in mind that may enjoy this game. If it is reason two I would highly suggest picking up a copy of Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth for Xbox 360 Kinect. You, Your spouse, your teenager, loved one, friend, coworker, random stranger on the street will really enjoy playing it. Even if you’re not into comic books (I admit I am not) it is a great game that will keep you coming back for more, after resting and water breaks that is.
Sorry for being long winded now that my heart rate has went back to normal I have a game to get back to, somebody has to keep Earth safe.