Thursday afternoon Kenny tells me to find a hotel in Raleigh so we don’t have to wake up Friday morning at 3am to get to Carsyn’s appointment. I found one and thankfully my step father in law had points and got us a free hotel room. YAY! We pull into Raleigh about 10pm Thursday night. Carsyn stayed awake the entire three hour drive. It was crazy. We check in get the boys upstairs and Carsyn wouldn’t sleep. I feed him, laid him down, screaming, repeat. Finally I just held him cause I didn’t want him to wake our neighbors. It was kind of nice because he fell asleep in my arms, that never happens. He did end up waking up around 6 am so we were still up pretty early and had gone to bed kind of late. Not sure if it was worth it. Anyways we get ready, head over to McDonalds for breakfast.
Then we make our way to Duke.
They checked his weight {19lbs baby! YAY!} his height and his head circumference. She also checked signs of pituitary gland problems and some other odds and ends. She said over all he looks great. We are feeding him great foods and she is going to have a nutritionist call me to give me some ideas on how to add healthy fat to his foods. Then they took 10 vials of blood. Seriously? I know they need to run different test but that is a lot. He cried a little bit in the beginning but by the 8th vial he was smiling at the nurse. My little flirt. He might have been feeling a little light headed too. Other then that she wants us to keep doing what we are doing and see her again in February unless there is a problem with one of his blood tests. We should know all of the results in the next couple of weeks. Glad to have that done. Please pray for the results. One way I don’t want anything to be wrong with the test but in another way I do, just so we know there is something wrong and we know what we can do about it. Just pray for guidance please. Thanks again for all your support.
Then we met up with Ashley. We went to the park. You can see some real photos here, not taken with my iphone.
Then we went to Red Robin. Yummm…
After Red Robin we headed home and I got a pedicure and manicure.
Saturday evening we had our family photos taken by the lovely Susan Fowler in Virginia. Thanks Susan! Getting this one on Canvas from Easy Canvas Prints. Look for a review coming soon.
Sunday we cleaned up the chicken coop and made another trip to Virginia. What was suppose to be a relaxing day turned into another busy one. I am looking forward to a relaxing day today. I will try and get by to visit you all. I miss reading your blogs.
What did you do this weekend? I hope it was a great one!