I used this awesome new site called Instagrid that Karli told me about. You can subscribe to my instagram feed by email for all you non-iphone users that want to keep up with my photos. It is just all my photos I shared on instagram. I took a screen shot and cropped it in photoshop then added it here. Pretty awesome. You can go here to see me on Instagrid. These are only from the past couple days because some reason their more button isn’t working so you can only see the first page. It goes from newest to oldest.
Dustyn and I had a blast playing with sunglasses, glasses and cotton balls in the bathroom. He asked for a mohawk again. Guess this is going to be a daily thing. Chasing him around the yard.
Showing of Instagrid to my Instagram friends. Eating a pudding filled donut from Dunkin Donuts. Will work for food. On the way home I saw a Coast Guard helicopter and some dreary clouds.
Carsyn at lunch. I love that he has his new stroller. It is nice not having to hold him. Carsyn was up snuggling at 1am. Eating a pumpkin muffin again. Changed my header with my new favorite photos of the boys. My new Starbucks cup.
Cake pop from Starbucks. I was a cake pop virgin. It was delicious. The Pumkin Muffins. So easy to make. Hot Apple Cider. I love fall food and drinks. Snuggly Carsyn.