I really was going to try and be all organized this week, but I was gone all day today. So I am just going to pick a few to highlight our week and tell you a little about them. Maybe next week I will be organized.
Getting ready for the Beach Vow Renewal. Traffic. Boo!
Dustyn and I when he got home from Monster Jam. Carsyn trying to hold his own cup.
My craving & Dustyn pretending to take my photo.
Playing with the Tiny Planet app, and a silhouette.
Dustyn fell asleep while cutting grass with daddy and Carsyn’s big toothy grin.
Made these for playgroup and Carsyn riding.
Play Group
Dustyn being goofy. Giving Hubby a kiss.
Carsyn and I hanging out. My sweet Dudley.
Dustyn went to the dentist. Then we went swimming.
Dustyn running through my parents garden. On our way home.
Lazy cat. Sunset at the park after eating Dairy Queen Blizzards
Also Linking up with Amy from A Good Life. You can link up below and go to her blog and grab the code to add to your blog post.