On Wednesday the boys got hair cuts. Dustyn got a huge hair cut. Kept his mohawk but it is pretty small. Next time I am going to tell her not to cut it so short. It looks cute but I liked it a little longer.
Carsyn just got the really long hairs around his ears and the back of his neck trimmed. This was his first hair cut. So very sweet and adorable! He looks a little more grown up.
Here is my “white” photos for Shades of Autumn.
Oh and on a side note, this is another reason I have not been blog hopping as much. I think it may be carpal tunnel. My friend let me borrow this brace. I hope it helps and that my wrist starts feeling better. I can hardly grip anything and it hurts when I pick up the boys. Thank you all loyal visitors. I hope to be back to blog visiting soon!