Well the day is here. My first post ever is going to be posted on She {hearts} It today. Even better is that it is a Photography book that I {heart} called Focus On: Photographing People. If you are new to photographing people you need to check out this review and giveaway. Make sure you keep an eye out for it today.
My all time favorite photo this week for sure. I love the sun-flare. I love his eyes. I love that he is SITTING up. I love my baby boy. You can see the rest of his 15 Month Photos here.
By the way he had his 15 month appointment yesterday. He is still on the small side so his doctor wants to go ahead with the x-ray to check bone growth and the blood test to check his thyroid. She said to do them but she wasn’t TOO concerned because he is well proportioned. I talked to her about the seizure and told her I had canceled it and she thought that it would be alright to just monitor him. If something else did come up that I thought was a seizure to go ahead and schedule with another doctor to get a second opinion. She did say I should call and talk to the neurologist just to let him know why I canceled the EEG which I knew I needed to do but I really don’t want to talk to him. Anyways hopefully in the next week or two his equipment will be ready to be picked up and we will do the other tests then since it is a long drive and we will be right there.
This is for sweet Liam. He is turning 2 years old. His mom, Andie, wanted to do something special for him so she asked people to make a sign, photo or something wishing him a Happy Birthday. Since my boys love cars and trucks I thought this was perfect for him. Happy 2nd Birthday Liam!! He i pretty awesome but I think he gets it from his mom. He is also in Therapy, they are on the search right now to figure out what is going on. Prayer would be great and a visit to her blog would be nice too. Thanks friends!
If you have time today do something special for this sweet little guy you can link up by clicking the button below.
We have been taking a lot of nightly family golf cart rides. We saw this and I took a couple photos with my iPhone, but then had Kenny run me up to the house to get my real camera. he he. This is SOOC. 🙂