Quick little prayer request before we get to this weeks wordless wednesday. Carsyn goes in wednesday morning at 8am for botox injections in his hamstrings. He will be put under conscious sedation for these, so he won’t feel them and/or remember them. I am a nervous wreck. IF these work they will start working in 3-14 days and should loosen his hamstrings up for 4-6 months. Praying they work and if they do we will do other muscles too. So please pray for him and me as it will be difficult to watch. Thank you all for your continued support!
I can not believe that fall is coming already. I am starting to find new colors in the leaves of the trees around here. I took all of the photos below with the Olympus E-PL3 that Olympus sent me to try out. I am seriously in love with this camera and the photos. Most of these are SOOC or have little editing.
Speaking of fall. Do you follow me on instagram? If you are on instagram use #fallbucketlist as you complete the list. I can not wait to see what you are up to this fall. It is my favorite season!
You can click the photo to download the list.