I got a little picture happy at Dustyn’s 1st field trip. Stuffing a scarecrow and wearing a witch hat.
Decorations around the farm. The boys looking at me and Kenny ignoring me.
Dustyn’s class sitting for a picture. Dustyn is just sitting there where all of his friends are throwing hay. Watching apple cider and icecream get made.
I loved this old truck inside the barn.
Riding the hay ride. Carsyn loved it and Dustyn put his hand on my leg so sweet. Dustyn looking for a pumpkin, only photo I got of him hunting for a pumpkin {mom fail}, then Dustyn with his class and his pupmkin. He kept looking at me and smiling. Again these are mostly SOOC. I did not have time to edit. I am still trying to get caught up from last weekend. I have more newborn photos to edit and lots of blog reading to do. This next weekend is going to be another busy one.He then found sea shells. He has been obsessed with those since our family photos on the beach.
Then we went to Digger’s Dungeon. Where we checked out their animals and their monster trucks.
Then we went into their store.
Then we came home and painted pumpkins. That is a whole post in itself. So stay tuned. Also this Sunday we are going to another pumpkin patch, make sure you come back, unless of course you are tired of seeing pumpkin patch photos!