I can not even believe Dustyn is starting Kindergarten this year. That means he gets to wear this awesome Class of 2026 Shirt, because he will be graduating high school in (eeeppp) 13 years!! Seriously?! His first “official” day of school is Wednesday since they are doing a staggered entrance for the kindergartners.
Class of 2026 Shirt | Kindergarten Through Senior Year
I am going to put this on him at the start of each year and take photos to see how much he is grown. I am excited about seeing this on him his senior year of high school, but I hope that day doesn’t get here too quickly. He is such a goofball and sweetie now. I just pray we raise him well and that, that never changes.
I just love this little boy so much! I know he is going to do amazing this year and learn so much.
Zoey’s Attic has been AMAZING to work with. They got the shirt out to me very quickly. The shirt is very well made and will definitely last until senior year as long as I take care of it and don’t lose it. If you want to learn more about Erin the owner of Zoey’s Attic just check out her about us page.
Zoey’s Attic does sell so many other things besides the Class of 2026 Shirt. Make sure you check out their store and have a look around. I know where I will be doing my personalize shopping from now on.
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Buy It
If you would like to buy your own personalized Class of 2026 Shirt they are only $18.00.
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Guess what? I get to giveaway a $35 Gift Certificate to Zoey’s Attic Personalized Gifts online store.