This past week we have been on vacation. That is why it is a little late. I really wanted to take my DSLR, but it is just so hard to carry around while trying to keep up with Dustyn and take care of Carsyn. So this is week is all from my cell phone. They aren’t terrible photos but definitely wish I could have taken my big girl camera. If you want to see more from our vacation make sure you check out my instagram.
Catch the Moment 365 | Week #2
9. The sunset behind our house. | 10. Bird on a wire. This was taken while I was waiting for Kenny to get done with his skin cancer surgery. | 11. Rainy and chilly day. We spent the day at home packing for our vacation. | 12. Dustyn goes through phases when he asks me constantly to take his photo. Other days he refuses to let me take even one photo. | 13. Our first day at Sea World Orlando. It was an awesome first day of vacation. | 14. Since we started planning our trip to Florida Dustyn wanted to go to Fun Spot. That is all he cared about because Big Foot 7 Monster truck was there.
Linking up with Behind the Camera & Dreaming, Simply Stavish, and Nurse Loves Farmer