Another late week. Ha ha. I think that I will be back to normal next week. Yesterday was Dustyn’s actual birthday. My baby boy turned 6 Years Old. Boohoohoo! I am still working on his birthday party post. I thought I would be done by now but things have just been crazy. Anyways on to last weeks photos. I did really bad and didn’t take a photo with my DSLR every day.
Catch the Moment 365 – Week #8
51. One of Carsyn’s favorite things to do is take a bath. He sure does love water. Anytime he sees it he wants to get in. I really hope when we finally settle somewhere we can get him a hot tub to help relax his tight muscles. | 52. My new wallet/cell phone clutch. It has a place for all my cards and money plus a place big enough for my Note 2. I love being able to just carry this around places. | 53. Dustyn/Dash at his Disney Infinity Party. He had a really great time at his party. | 54. Last minute photo on my phone. I do love the sunbeams. | 55. Went outside and took some photos to experiment with the new Lomo Actions by Life-n-Reflection. | 56. Dustyn is really starting to look like a young man. I am not ready for this at all! He sure does have some wild hair but he won’t let me cut it. Any tips on helping coarse, thin hair lay flat?
Linking up with Behind the Camera & Dreaming, Simply Stavish, and Nurse Loves Farmer