Carsyn turned 21 months on Saturday.
This post is going to be anything but wordless today. Ha ha.
I can not believe in 3 short months my sweet baby boy will be 2 years old. When Dustyn was this age I was 6 months pregnant with Carsyn. I didn’t have a care in the world and had no idea there was something wrong with Carsyn.
- Weight 22lbs
- Height 29 1/2 inches
- Wearing some 12 and some 18 month clothes
- Size 3 diapers
- One nap in the afternoon, about 3 hours.
I am so very thankful that he is growing and gaining weight. We need him to keep on growing so that he can get a gait trainer/walker. I will be so happy when that day happens. I am ready for him to start being a little more independent. Feels like I have had a 5/6 month old for a year and a half. At least he is cute though.
What’s New:
- Sitting up is getting better.
- He has been using his pointy finger more. Especially on the iPod. Can not wait to get him an iPad.
- He loves putting his fingers and hands in his mouth.
- Still loving Curious George 2.
- Loves pulling things out of baskets and bowls.
- Loves playing in food and making a mess
- Enjoys playing with play doh.
- New sounds, baa, moo, maa, buu.
- He just started seeing a new speech therapist. She loves using iPads for speech. Another reason I want one.
I am so thankful for the joy that he brings to me and everyone around him. Hope this post brought a smile to your face and gave you a little joy. I know he makes me smile every day.