My boys start school next week!! So crazy. I still want to know where the Summer went. I am ready to get back into a routine, but I am also a little overwhelmed with all I have to get done. I decided to take a little stress off of me I would make a back to school checklist. This helps keep me organized and figure out what I still have left to do before they go back next week. I tried to make it cover all grades/schools, but I left a few blanks in case you needed to add something else to the list.
Back To School Checklist Printable
Another way that I got ahead of the game this year was by using PayPal. I bought 90% of their back to school supplies, and clothes online using PayPal. It is easy and secure. This school season PayPal has AMAZING exclusive offers happening to help you get the best deals possible. See for yourself! I love using PayPal One Touch, that way I don’t have to keep signing in over and over again on the same device. When you log in you are able to Opt-In to stay logged in. PayPal also has a Giving Fund where 100% of the proceeds go to select organizations, such as Let Girls Learn, YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Donations made through the PayPal Giving Fund will receive a 1% match from PayPal during the Back-to-School Season, August 12 – August 31, 2016. Learn more about PayPal Giving Fund.
How are you preparing this Back To School season?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.