I picked the word Focus for my one word for 2017 and part of that is for me to focus on our house.
It has gotten way out of control. I never know where anything is, and it really makes cleaning difficult. I feel overwhelmed and depressed. If I can get my house in order I think it would make me a better wife and mom. I read a post the other day that the more cluttered a house is the more it causes the mom to be stressed. I believe it!
I started the 30 day declutter challenge with the pantry yesterday. I had to clear out all the food that I don’t need to eat! Since I am also trying to become more healthy for my family. I can’t wait to see where our house will be in a month.
I am glad that I am putting this out there. I need to be held accountable. Follow me on snapchat for before/during/after photos and videos.
Download the printable below, it will feel good to check things off the list. Trust me. Also as a side note, if you miss a day just pick up where you left off, no big deal.
30 Day Declutter Challenge Download
Let me know in the comment section if you decide to join along! Also if you post pictures on Instagram use the hashtag #30daydeclutterchallenge
Once you get your house decluttered you can use this cleaning schedule.
I have also started menu planning again, check out these free printables that are perfect to start using in the new year. Just click on the photo and it will take you to the post.