I don’t talk about my faith on this blog much but after some thought I am going to go in a semi new direction here. I want to do more writing {not much of a writer but I want to improve} and less photo challenges. Don’t worry I will be sharing PLENTY of photos.
I joined the Woman’s Bible Study at our church. I HAD to do it. It is based on the book When Life Is Hard by James MacDonald. It talks about all the trials he went through and how God worked through them.
It really is an awesome book and study. The first week was talking about the difference between a trial and a consequence. Trial is out of your control and a consequence is something that happened because of you. Of course you all know I am going the a huge trial right now and I know it is nothing that I did but it was still nice to hear.
The second week was talking about the question that everyone asks, “Why me?” I have asked myself this more times then I can count. I think, why is this happening to me? Therapy three times a week, endless hours of working with Carsyn, seeing other kids his age thriving and seeing him struggle, knowing he wants to do something and can’t. This is not how I pictured my life God. It all comes down to one answer. You are going through your trial so God can shape you and work through you. We even talked about that in church on Sunday.
The third week was how to work through the trial. Of course the normal, pray, read your bible, etc. The other thing is to understand that you are going through this trial for a reason. To trust God to see you through your trial. Knowing that you will be better on the other side and that you will lead others to God. A trial can bring you closer to God or it can take you further away. In all honesty when I first learned of Carsyn’s diagnosis. I ran the other way. I couldn’t understand why. Now with the help of this book and bible study I know. Right now I NEED God in my life. Without him I wouldn’t be able to get through this.
I can not wait for the next three weeks. Maybe I will do another post at the end.