Last Week’s Wishes
Update my Photography Blog. Organize and declutter our closet. Make it to the gym at least once since twice hasn’t happened! Get back to eating healthier so I can continue my weight loss journey. Spend more time with Kenny, Dustyn & Carsyn. Yes I want to get the house cleaned and organized, but I felt like I didn’t spend enough time with them last week.
Alright I did not update my Photography Blog. I actually came to the conclusion this week that I think I am going to close down my photography business for the time being. I want to focus on getting our house sold, moving, and getting settled. Then we will see what happens. I do have a couple sessions already scheduled, but I don’t think I will be taking any more clients. Organizing and decluttering our closet did not happen. Although we did do our whole bedroom, dining room, and living room. I finished the rest of the kitchen. I cleaned the boys rooms up. I also started packing up some of our knick-knacks to make the house seem less cluttered. It is really looking good around here. I did make it to the gym for Zumba last week! YAY! I also ate a little healthier this week than I did last week. I still have not lost anymore weight. I tried to spend more time with the boys, but just still seems like not enough.
This Week’s Wishes
- Organize and declutter our closet.
- Make it to the gym at least twice this week.
- Drink 100oz of water a day and limit my soda intake.
- Finish taking photos of the house, so I can make some flyers. Then we want to list on a few online sites.
- Spend more time with Kenny, Dustyn & Carsyn. Yes I want to get the house cleaned and organized, but I felt like I didn’t spend enough time with them last week.
What are your goals for this week?