We had a wonderful family day yesterday. Our last stop was at Kenny’s moms house. She has one of those Intex Spas. Here is Carsyn using his new Waterway Babies Neck float. He was loving being able to play with Dustyn and move around on his own.
Last Week’s Wishes
- Workout 3 times this week.
- Get Carsyn back into Physical Therapy.
- I just started writing for DailyMom.com, so I need to get some posts going there.
I worked out at home once this week. So not a completely fail, but I didn’t do great either. I did call about Physical Therapy for Carsyn. Making sure it is approved through insurance. I do have some posts going for Daily Mom. My first one is scheduled for June 30th.
This Week’s Wishes
- Workout 3 times this week.
- Donate unused items to the thrift store.
- Donate Carsyn’s old equipment to the CDSA.
What are your goals for this week?