Last Week’s Wishes
- Stick to drinking mainly water. I did pretty good with this one.
- Make it to the Gym three times this week. I made it once. I started off the week with a cough. Then when I went to the gym I started getting chest pain. I made a trip to the doctor. She said my oxygen levels were low, and that my chest wall seemed inflamed. I was given a breathing treatment and antibiotics.
- Catch up on my 40 Bags in 40 Days. Since I didn’t get any done last week. I got caught up a little bit but I still have more I need to do.
- Get everything done around the house that I have been putting off the past few weeks. Same here. I was pretty lazy this week, since I wasn’t feeling too good.
This Week’s Wishes
- Make it to the gym twice if I am feeling up to it.
- Finish blog posts that are due, and get them scheduled.
- Fill out and return some paperwork that needs to be done to get help for Carsyns’ expenses.
- Do the 40 bags in 40 days. Plus finish things around the house. We are going to go ahead and list our house with a realtor.
What are your goals for this week?