Overall Dustyn is loving school! He has had a few off days where he didn’t want to go. This is a huge adjustment for him though. He normally sleeps till at least 7:30/8 but we are having to get him up at 6:30. All Summer long he got to go to bed pretty much any time and wake up any time. We have been trying to get him in bed by 7:30/8, but sometimes he still doesn’t fall asleep till closer to 9. They do rest time at school, but not sure if he is actually sleeping. He also hasn’t been eating much of what I am sending. Even though he eats it at home he isn’t eating it at school. I am sure just adjusting to school. Hopefully as the weeks go by everyone will get in a routine and things will get easier.
Carsyn should be getting his walker in the next couple of weeks. It should get to the company on the 21st and then we have to make an appointment to pick it up. Hopefully that won’t take too long! I am hopeful that we will get it soon and he will get used to using it pretty easily. I am also hoping that he will be able to use it for Halloween and walk around. I know he would like to be a cow but I did get that superman costume and he would be so cute walking around with that on.
Both of these were taken with the Olympus E-PL3 Camera that they sent me to try out. Have I told you how much I love this camera?! It is so easy to carry around and just snap photos! Linking up with This Or That Thursday, Little Things Thursdays, Thankful Thursdays and Thursday Favorite Things.