WOW! I can not even believe it is the end of 2012 and we are heading into 2013. Next year we will not be doing Quarterly Top 5 but we do plan to continue with the end of the year top photos.
Here are a few things you should know:
Linky begins Friday, December 28th and ends Thursday, January 3rd
Go through the photos from 2012
Choose TWELVE and post them on your blog or Flickr account beginning December 28th
PLEASE only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
Accompany each photo with a short explanation of why you chose it
Link up here at In the Moment With, Click.Pray.Love., or Ramblings and Photos
Be sure to include the Quarterly Top 5 banner or button in your post to share the link up with your friends.
Here are my favorites from this year.

This has always been a favorite of mine of Dustyn. Just love the look in his gorgeous eyes.

Carsyn sure does love swinging. That hasn’t changed but my how he has grown!

My boys having a little fun with the Easter Eggs

Carsyn at his Pirate Birthday Party.

All my boys on Father’s Day. Glad I captured them all smiling.

Dustyn with his t-ball trophy. He had a fun first year of playing.

Dustyn finally faced his fear of jumping off the diving board and he loved it.

My boys during a short day trip to the outer banks.

Hanging out at the gorgeous sunflower field. Carsyn’s hair was very long and blonde!

Dustyn jumping on the bed in between the Christmas Mini shoots I did. He had a blast!

Carsyn watching the Sesame Street show at Christmas Town at Busch Gardens. He was in a trance. He loved it.
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