This post about Spring cleaning has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CleaningUntangled #CollectiveBias
I don’t know about you, but it seems like with each pregnancy I lose more and more hair. Every time I turn around there are pieces of hair laying around. The hair then gets tangled around the brushroll of our vacuum, along with random fibers, and other messy stuff. Eureka just released a new vacuum that will solve my problem, the Eureka Brushroll Clean™ with SuctionSeal®.
Check out this photo of our old vacuum. I cleaned the brushroll recently and it was still a tangled mess. I had planned to give our vacuum a deep cleaning as part of my Spring cleaning routine, but I will take a new vacuum that will do the cleaning for me.
Here you can see the button you push to clean the brushroll. With just the touch of the brushroll clean pedal, anything caught in the brush is removed. The Eureka Brushroll Clean™ with SuctionSeal® needs to be turned on when you press this button. There are videos and tips about this feature and the other features included on this vacuum over on their website.
I am really impressed with this new technology. It will make vacuum maintenance so much easier and less messy. Some of my other features are the retractable cord, and how light and easy to maneuver it around furniture and toys that Dustyn forgot to pick up. Speaking of Dustyn, I will be teaching him how to use this very soon. He still makes the biggest messes while eating and sweeping just doesn’t cut it with him.
This new vacuum from Eureka can be purchased at your local Walmart for $198.00. OR you can enter to win one below along with a chance to win a Walmart gift card.
Spring Cleaning Untangled Giveaway
Be sure to check out more about the Eureka Brushroll Clean™ with SuctionSeal®. How would this technology benefit your family?