Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by, I can’t wait to check out your photos this week!
On our way home, trying to beat the
clock storm.
Poem by Tracy Marks
We had a bad storm come through yesterday. It was really bad in the Raleigh area and broke up some before it got here. Please pray for the people affected by the tornadoes.
Carsyn enjoying the Sun. This is a big deal for him, bringing stuff to his mouth. Yay for progress! Tuesday is his MRI I am so nervous!
Dustyn zooming along with his monster truck.
I wanted to share this cute video of Dustyn making Carsyn laugh. So adorable!
This week is kind of late because I was busy working on my new photography site. Click the button below to check it out. When you get there if you click on Gallery it will take you to my proofing site that also showcases some of my photos.