Inspired by a Book or Movie
Jurassic Park anyone? We went to a BBQ Fundraiser yesterday with my parents, my sister and her two daughters. Dustyn wanted a dinosaur. Every kept calling it an alligator though.
I have been playing with HDR processing. It is so fun. I edited this using some Lightroom Presets. This was where my photo shoot took place on Friday.
From my shoot on Friday. I have added a bunch to my photography page on Facebook. Can you see the rings? I had that great idea but they kind of blend with the sand…
Coffee or Tea
I have a couple secrets to tell you about this photo. One it was taken with my iPhone and two it doesn’t actually have coffee in it. I don’t like the taste of coffee. Surprising? I really wish I did. Cause I could use the boost. This is the Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino no coffee from Starbucks.
Carsyn could have lingered all day on this pony. He had so much fun sitting on it. This was at the BBQ yesterday. Dustyn rode a big horse. More photos from that day coming soon.