First of all I want to wish you a Happy Easter!!! Hope you all have a great time with your families. We will be gone visiting three different places after church. It will be a busy day then tomorrow we are heading to Raleigh for Carsyn’s neurologist and endocrinologist appointments. Hopefully everything will go good.
Brand new baby leaves! I love baby leaves. They are so adorable.
Dustyn and Carsyn got to see ducks in real life. It was so cool to see their faces. The ducks kept following us around.
I know you all have seen apple blossoms this past week on the blog but they are fragrant. At least I edited it different.
Pink azalea flowers. Love the haze I got in this photo.
It is obvious that Dustyn loves his brother. I am so happy I captured this photo while taking their Easter photos. So very sweet.
Linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, Simple Things, Sunday Snapshot, Macro Monday, and then she snapped