It is that time for you to share your Top 5 Photos you have taken of your children from July, August & September. I can not wait to see your photos! I think this quarter is my favorite. I love seeing what fun you had over the Summer!
Here are a few things you should know:
- Linky begins Wednesday, September 26th and ends Wednesday, October 3rd
- Go through the photos from July, August, September 2012
- Choose 5 and post them on your blog or Flickr account beginning September 26th
- PLEASE only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
- Accompany each photo with a short explanation of why you chose it
- Link up here at Naptime Momtog, Click.Pray.Love., or Ramblings and Photos
- Be sure to include the Quarterly Top 5 banner or button in your post to share the link up with your friends.
Here are my favorites.
Remember THIS IS NOT A CONTEST. Anyone can enter, we want to encourage people to share their memories.
One last thing, please add our button is in your posts. Thank you!

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