Can you believe September is here already? Bring on the fall weather and pumpkin spice lattes. I may have already had a couple! We didn’t do much in August besides hanging around the house. There were lots of rainy days. Annie turned 4 months old on August 4th.
I try to take photos of Annie nursing when I can, since our nursing relationship has been tough. I want to document as much as possible in case it ends abruptly. If you are interested in reading our journey I talk about it a little here. This month I tried watercolor for the first time. Watercolor is so much fun and I can’t wait to do it more. It was so relaxing.
Towards the end of the month it started getting nicer. Less rain and a few cooler days. The older 2 boys started school, 5th & 3rd grade!
What I take 99% of my photos with.
Images Shot With