I want to talk a little bit about Carsyn before I share our Easter pictures. Tomorrow is the day we find out what the neurologist has to say. I took most of this weekend and today off from blogging and computer time. I really get bogged down and depressed sometimes. So I spent today with my boys and cleaning. I feel so much better. Also my friend Jenn, from Seizing the Day, shared this song on her blog the other day and I just listened to it. It is so amazing and speaks to me and what I am going through. Thanks again Jenn. I am so glad you are back and that you shared it.
Here are our boys Easter morning.
Here is our sweet big boy Dustyn. Since Carsyn couldn’t hunt Dustyn put an egg in each of their buckets. In the end it looked like he gave Carsyn more. Greatest Big Brother EVER!
Here are the cousins. My sisters’ two girls and my cousins’ son.
Using this SOOC shot for Shoot & Edit: Friends & Family. It needs a lot of editing. I had this one that was too dark, then one of it too light but no one was looking ha ha. Kids. So I will see if I can salvage this one.
I made these bird nests cupcakes. Not the greatest looking, but I thought they were cute. If you want to see what they are suppose to look like click that link. Hers looked way better, but I think I needed a bigger icing tip.
and one last kissy face for you. Carsyn and I both thank you for your thoughts and prayers. You all have been such a great support. Thank you!