Kenny’s cousin, Somer, just had her baby girl Olivia Beth one month early. I had the honor to photograph her on Monday. She is seriously so precious and gave me major baby fever. She only weighs about 6 pounds right now, which is TINY compared to my boys who both weighed over 9lbs at birth! Olivia was very easy going and slept so good the first 30-45 minutes. I am very happy with the photos I took. I have been dreaming of taking photos like this but never got it quite right. Until I took the Newborn Posing Course by Kelly Brown.
Newborn Posing
I used all the tips that Kelly Brown shared during her Newborn Posing Course. I learned soooo much from this course. Never thought I could learn much from an online course but so many things have just clicked. It is awesome. I have been going back and watching several of the parts over and over again.
She had an awesome turn out over Mother’s Day weekend. Over 45,000 mothers from 137 countries tuned into her Live Course. It is available for purchase for $149. I definitely think it is worth it. Kelly is really inspiring and I love listening to her talk with her Australian accent. Throughout the course, Brown is demonstrating skillful posing techniques with more than 40 in-studio infants and providing professional advice for new mothers interested in capturing these precious moments with their newborns.
The tieback, pixie hat and pink wrap above are all from Beautiful Contrasts on Etsy.
I love her little kissy face in this shot. It is so adorable and Somer says she make this face a lot. I had so much fun with Olivia and I am looking forward to my next newborn session.
What have you been photographing lately?