If you follow me on instagram then you know we spent all last Wednesday over at Duke. Carsyn had three appointments at the Cerebral Palsy clinic. They upped his prescriptions, which have made him very sleepy lately so I may have to go back down. He also got botox injections in his hamstrings and hip abductors. These injections should help with his scissoring and stretching. He has been getting these every 4 to 6 months. This time went much better because I took Carsyn to a different doctor. He has really loosened up in his hamstrings. He was SO tight you couldn’t do much stretching with out him screaming. I like to see him smiling, not screaming.
Dustyn is still doing amazing in school. I can not believe how much he has learned already. He has also been pushing our buttons and testing his limits a lot! I love him so much, but I have been getting very frustrated with him lately. Dustyn sure is cute, even if he does get on my nerves every now and then.