This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and healthy mama® , but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #gethealthymama
Having a very active 7 year old, and a 5 year old with cerebral palsy keeps me busy. There are doctor appointments, therapy, summer fun, and more. Are days are full and I need to be able to keep up with my boys. Now that we are expecting baby boy #3 my energy has gone kaput. I have been so exhausted. I try to go to bed earlier to get more sleep, I also try not to drink too much liquid right before bed to limit my trips to the restroom in the middle of the night.
My energy level has gone out the window and I know caffeine from coffee and soda isn’t great for me or our baby. I wanted to find something to give me a natural energy boost during pregnancy.
The protein energy drink from healthy mama® is perfect to give me an extra boost of energy. It is caffeine free and packed full of vitamins and electrolytes. I think this extra boost would be helpful after the baby is born.
healthy mama® also offers shake that ache for all your pain relief needs along with many other products to help your ailments during pregnancy. All of these products are available now at Target for an affordable price. They have a whole display in the feminine needs aisle.
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