Happy (belated) Mother’s Day! I hope you all had a wonderful day and I hope your family celebrated you!
Ever since I became a mom, I have a new respect for Mother’s Day. My family doesn’t usually do expensive gifts or anything of that nature, but they DO take the time to spend with me– and honestly, that’s all I really want.
What I love most about Mother’s Day is just reflecting on those moments when I became a mother. When the words “you are pregnant” were first spoken to me, that’s when I knew. I knew I was a mom. And having those feelings culminate when I got to hold each of my kids for the very first time. I was mom. And never did a job seem more daunting or rewarding.
And for those of you that are adoptive moms or in any sort of mom role– we celebrate you as well. Because just because you were never pregnant with that child, doesn’t mean you aren’t a mom.