A couple Prayer Request:
My friend that we had the baby sprinkle for, lost her baby last week at 34 weeks. They induced her and she delivered her gorgeous baby into the arms of God, 3lbs 14oz. They named her Aubrey Marie. Will you please pray for her and her family during this tough time?
I feel dumb even asking for this one after that, but I am getting really anxious and nervous about Carsyn’s MRI next Monday at 8am. I am nervous about him being put under, and anxious to learn the results {which I am not sure how long that will take} Please pray for Carsyn, Dustyn, Kenny and I as we go through this. Thanks!
I wanted to share a little of what is on my heart. I know I have thought of this a lot lately, but I am going to have a hard time doing it. With the loss of my friends baby and everything going on with Carsyn I may not be around much. I need to stop taking everything for granted. Dustyn and Carsyn both need me. I can not even tell you the amount of times Dustyn has asked me for something and I say, “hold on a minute” but don’t get what he is asking for till 10 minutes later. He always wants me to play with him, and he needs attention now more then ever with everything that is going on with Carsyn. Carysn needs me too, I need to be working with him more with stretching, floor time, motor skills, etc.
Sorry this is so long and probably jumbled. The fact of the matter is, I need to be a mom first, wife second, friend third and then a blogger last. I love hearing all your encouragement on my photos, etc. It makes me feel like I am something more then just a mom and wife. I strive for your sweet words. I will still be writing and sharing photos of the boys. I am just going to try and cut back my time online. I may not always have a chance to say Thanks but I really appreciate every single comment I get.
Thanks for understanding. I love you all.