Technically I now have less then two weeks. Since I grow big babies, have gestational diabetes, and now high blood pressure the doctor doesn’t want me going past 39 weeks. I am still hopeful that I will get my second VBAC. The recovery is so much better then a c-section. I could use all the thoughts and prayer you have on that front. I pray that I go into labor on my own sometime between now and then. On a side note I had Kenny take this photos with my DSLR and now I wish I would have done that my whole pregnancy. The quality and color is so much better.
37 Week Bumpdate:
How Far Along: 37 weeks 3 days
Baby Size: winter melon
Weight Gain: 23 pounds
Sleep: has been sporadic. been worrying too much when i should be sleeping.
Gender: boy!
Feeling: crampy
Movement:picked back up again this week. looks like i have an alien trying to escape.
Cravings: country ham sweet potato biscuits
Name: prestyn james
Next Appointment: october 21th
One more growth ultrasound to see how big he is measuring! I am super nervous!