I have started going through Dustyn and Carsyn’s toys and clothes so I can move them into the same room and make a nursery for Prestyn. I am working with some amazing companies for his nursery and I can not wait to show you the results! I have a lot of work to complete though.
26 Week Bumpdate:
How Far Along: 26 weeks 2 days
Baby Size: head of lettuce
Weight Gain: 16 pounds
Sleep: uncomfortable
Gender: boy!
Feeling: huge. seriously feel like i am in my last month and I still have a few months left.
Movement: been on and off, scaring mama every now and then.
Cravings: sushi, again…
Name: prestyn james
Next Appointment: august 6th
I am nervous to see how big my belly is measuring at this next appointment I feel like it has really grown and I am already measuring so far ahead.