This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HuggiesSwimmers
This year we decided to join the local YMCA. I am very excited because one of our close YMCA’s has a fun outdoor pool/splash park. We have already spent a few days there and my boys are loving it. I make sure I always have all my essentials inside my pool bag ready to rock-n-roll. You never know when we will make an impromptu trip to the pool.
Carsyn excited to not be wearing a soggy diaper. He loves swimming.
Inside My Pool Bag!
Towels | Huggies Little Swimmers | Sunscreen | Drinks | Snacks| Swimming Trunks | Goggles | Sunglasses | Bag is from Thirty One
All of these are essential especially the Huggies Little Swimmers. You see Carsyn at three years old is not potty trained and is unable to tell me when he needs to go to the bathroom. I would feel bad if I took Carsyn to the pool and he went to the bathrrom. Also the YMCA does not let your child wear a regular diaper in the pool since they will explode and make a mess when they get too full of water.
I really have loved using the Huggies Little Swimmers since I had Dustyn 5 years ago. They have always come in handy and I love how you can just tear them down the side to take off. Since when kids are wet it is difficult to get things on and off of them. I bought these particular ones from Target using a $1.50 Coupon, which I get to share with you all below!
Coupon for $1.50 off Huggies Little Swimmers at Target
You can click the photo to take you to the coupon or click on this link.
What essentials do you carry in your beach/pool bag?