It’s probably familiar to a lot of you mom’s out there. That phrase your child comes up with at a certain age that sounds nothing like what they are actually trying to say.
I’m not sure when it happened but my little guy, who turned 18 months on Friday, changed his normal “side” to “cack eyed” or just “cah cah” meaning “outside”. What?! Maybe that happened because he wanted to go out”side” so much we stopped saying the word, only spelling it.
Whatever he calls it, he loves it. The boy cannot get enough. It makes my mama heart happy to see him love nature and sunshine so much (to the point of having to drag him inside at dusk). We are trying our hardest to soak up this time of year. Soon it will be 90 degrees climbing to 100 and we’ll be begging him to go in to the air conditioning. Even so, I’ll take it over a cold rainy day any day!
What are your favorite spring and summer memories with your little (or big) ones?