My first baby boy will be turning five on February 29th! I can not believe it. Where has time gone? I was just looking at him playing on the iPad the other day thinking how grown he looked. Has it really been 5 years since he was this little?
Dustyn is now in school, can get dressed on his own and knows how to work the iPad better then me… Seems like he doesn’t need me anymore, though I know he does. He needs me to guide him and love him. Show him right and wrong. Help him grow into a man that will make me proud.
Dustyn really loves going to pre-k five days a week. I can not believe how much he has learned. Sometimes I feel guilty sending him. Since he is only 4 and he goes from 7:45-2:15. That is a long day for him. I do feel like it was the right decision for our family. He wasn’t getting enough attention at home. Carsyn has so many therapy and doctor’s appointments plus all the exercises I am suppose to do with him daily. It is hard to find one on one time with Dustyn, but I do try.
The other day we were hanging out on the couch, watching a movie, and eating popcorn. I kept kissing him and telling him how much I loved him. He looked up at me and said “Mom, stop kissing me.” Ugh. Seriously. Not looking forward to the teenage years. I am going to miss this little boy so much. He may drive me insane sometimes but I am not ready for him to grow up.
Can I just pause time please?