Thanks Pear Tree Greetings and Prim and Proper signs for sponsoring today’s post. As always, all opinions, thoughts and ideas are my own.
This little corner of my dining room is quickly becoming my favorite. I recently added two pieces to it and have started making a gallery wall. I still want to add some more pictures, maybe an H for our last name, a piece of art that symbolizes North Carolina, and other random things.
The sewing machine used to be my great grandmas. My mom recently gave it to me when she moved. I so love having it in my home. The quilt was giving to me by Kenny’s step mom. It is so beautiful and warm.
Gallery Wall Information
The Metal Wall Art came from Pear Tree Greetings. It is the perfect squares 11×17 and had 12 slots for pictures. I decided to use my collages from each month of last years project 365. I love being able to look back on our year. These photos look really awesome on metal.
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I received this “Don’t tell me the sky is the limit…” sign from Prim and Proper Signs. I absolutely LOVE this. It really made me think of Carsyn and how no one can tell him what he can’t do because of his special needs. The sign is adorable and very well made. I can see it lasting for a long time. I may end up moving it to Carsyn’s room, but for right now I love seeing it every day.
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use the code “Whimsy” for 10% off through March 31st.
I am also doing a giveaway for Prim & Proper signs on instagram. Click on the photo below for all the details and to enter!